Two Hours in Montgomery


Last week I visited the state of Alabama (my 20th state visited) for the very first time and found it to be surprisingly flat. However, driving through Montgomery it was clear that there was so much to see and I can't wait to return to this storied place. It's not ironic at all that the birthplace of the bus Boycott was also once the Cradle of the Confederacy, and just a block from the towering white pillars of the State Capital building site the Dexter Ave. King Memorial Baptist Church, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once pastored and where the bus boycott was organized and planned.We made a pit stop in Montgomery for about an hour and 15 minutes (two sounds better for a title :)) on our way to an art show in Gulf Breeze, FL. I highly recommend visiting this historic site. Dr. King's desk and podium are there (actor David Oyelowo, who portrayed King in Selma, left an autograph) and we had the nicest tour guides in the world who greeted us warmly with hugs.Take a look at my photo essay below with some highlights from the visit: IMG_0011  IMG_0009  IMG_0006  IMG_0012 IMG_0013 IMG_0015   IMG_0019 IMG_0028  IMG_0041IMG_0039


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