Chapbooks Available Now!

It's been a fast year, and much of that time has been spent preparing my first chapbook for release. After a few delays and procrastination I'm happy to announce that Letters About Losing You is available for purchase!Screenshot 2016-11-15 at 7.36.48 AM.pngTo have your own copy of this book click here. In the coming weeks I'll post more detailed stories about the process behind this project: how I chose a printer, layout and more. Chapbooks and self-publishing are very mysterious processes in many respects. It's hard to know how to get going and what to do. Many people have asked me about this process, so I want to share my ups and downs along the way.In the wake up our country's tumultuous unrest, I hope you turn to your favorite form of art for some peace and understanding. Happy Sunday everyone!


NYE 2016


To My Fellow White Evangelicals