Staying Inspired, Staying Hopeful


My my, it has been a minute indeed. While this has certainly been my best year in blogging, the summer has drained so much of my time to write and share my experiences with you all. I hope that in the long stretch of time since my last post you have been well, though I trust there's been some days you have felt horribly weary and disappointed, because I've felt that way all too often in 2016.During the midst of a tumultuous election year and racial divides, writing has been a saving grace of sorts for my mental space, and a way to make sense of things that are happening across the nation. I've also made strides to become more involved in issues that I care about and I can't wait to share some of those projects with you!Despite everything you hear in the news today, or even feel inside, hope is not dead. It's very much alive, and I can't tell you how much it inspires me to see my generation fighting for the good of humanity and standing up to ignorance. In many ways, fighting for our rights is the bedrock of American culture, so I salute everyone who is making their voices heard. Don't forget to register to vote and read up on your local electoral candidates (shameless civic duty plug).In the coming weeks, I'll have blog posts up covering everything from bunnies and natural hair to politics and poetry. My chapbook will also be available for release in time for the holidays, and I think you all are really going to enjoy it. Thank you for your patience along this journey we are taking together, and stay tuned for the good things to come. :)  


Happy National Poetry Day


An Open Letter to Gaye Clark