Lemonade From a Bee


skdjAs you probably know, #LEMONADE was released over the weekend and no one knows what to do with themselves. There are many ways to describe what is arguably Beyonce's greatest work: Innovative. Bold. Cerebral. Emphatic. Vulnerable. Formidable. Brilliant. It's clear that this work of art is the product of creative genius that is not only a musical gem, but a groundbreaking symbol for women of color everywhere. Lemonade isn't the revolution many thought it would be, but it doesn't back away from revolutionary statements, and homage to ethnic roots (check out "Freedom").HT_beyonce_lemonade_3_jt_160424_4x3_992While the Internet is abuzz for the personal bombs Bey dropped about her relationship, what's more amazing is her business sense and artistry. With her Formation tour starting next week, Beyonce is well on her way to passing the likes of Madonna, with one of the first female solo all-stadium tours. On top of it, Bey managed to place a very personal narrative into the context of both her family, and women at large, making her cultural heritage and gender the cornerstone of this project. She aligned herself with greatness at all levels giving the world something largely unprecedented - a visual album. And not just a music-video-for-all-tracks visual album like her last effort, but a stunning, well-curated short film with spoken word by Warsan Shire that elevates and expands every message on each track. While graphic visuals and sharp, calculated words take us from Intuition to Anger, Emptiness to Redemption, you'll be blown away by the hour-long saga, which calls for quite a bit of analysis.Screen-Shot-2016-04-23-at-9.12.13-PM-763x427Once you've seen the footage Formation makes a lot more sense as an ending anthem of triumph, self-worth, and dedication. After a product like Lemonade, Beyonce has made her voice clearly heard on all points of discussion. And if a picture's worth a thousand words, she's said more than we are even beginning to grasp.The album is currently only available on Tidal (with free 90-day trials), but you can check out the film here or try a free trial at HBO Go.. My favorite track? All of them.Click code below if player is not supported on your browser:https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F206982589363241%2Fvideos%2F1060329980695160%2F&show_text=1&width=560


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