Letters About Losing You Sneak Peek

liliesIt's our second week of reveal and I'm ecstatic to share another preview of Letters About Losing You! In case you missed it, I'm releasing brief snippets of poems from the chapbook every Tuesday until the release date (looking at May, but stay tuned!). This month has been a busy submissions month for me with already a bit of good news and tons of "bad" news blowing up my inbox. It's all part of the process and I hope you enjoy each sneak peek that comes your way. Don't forget to share your favorite lines on social media in the coming weeks and use the hashtag #LALY. Love to hear what you think. :)

We stood on our tip toes and peeredover the white lace lining the woodto see if someone—anyone—was wedged between the soft sides and grandpa George.- Two People Can Fit in a Casket


Black History is American History - Divine 9 Style


By Any Means Necessary