A Case for Tori Kelly

torispecial American IdolHandmade Songs by Tori KellyYouTubeYouTubeSuit and TiePYTiTuneskellyForewardIdolYouTubeConfettipepsiUnbreakable SmileWilliam Rastsexy"He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust: his truth shall be your shield and buckler."Hollow
spotify:track:6QeJEhEoMNqsn2yhCvG3jcIt's easy to see why Tori is taking the pop world by storm when you listen to her vocals, but her strong themes of faith, self-confidence, vulnerability, modesty and non-conformity don't get the credit they deserve in today's culture, but Kelly has changed that. She's proven to be a talented musician and architect of her own work, and she's stayed true to her values while enjoying the incredible ride to pop stardom that she's always dreamed of.So don't miss out on Tori's performance tonight and win or lose, we'll all be cheering her on for her first Grammy nod tonight! Check out the dates for her tour here!

Chapbook Sneak Peek!


Baby Girl You're Star