New Name; Same Me

Some of you may have noticed that my blog has a different title: Scribing Fingers. What prompted this peculiar name change? A need to encompass more of what this blog is really about and intends to be, without becoming too niche in the process.I started this blog shortly before leaving home for college and titled it TarheelDream because at the time my life centered around the fact that my dream was coming true: I was going to be a Tar Heel. And while that has remained true and served its purpose nicely over the past four years, as I graduated and looked back at my expanding material I didn't at all want my blog to appear like an ode to my school, or even current state of residence. I wanted it to be neutral, telling, for everyone.From that moment the act of renaming it actually wasn't difficult at all. I knew instantly to go with my old Twitter name, "scribingfingers," which I'd created to symbolize that I am always writing, and using my hands to do so. Given that I write my blog on many topics, including writing, it seemed a perfect fit to describe who I am, what I do and the voice of this site.So, I hope you like the new title and the new look. Drop me line and share your thoughts. Have you changed your blog/name recently?


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