Playing Catch (Up)


 netflix1One goal I have this summer is to read a few books, watch a few documentaries (maybe more than a few) and catch up on some favorite shows. I decided the main show I want to catch up on is Grey's Anatomy, which I have watched on and off for a few years. I know, I know it's quite daunting. I have 10 seasons to watch in 12 weeks before school starts. That's like 2 episodes a day which is almost definitely not going to happen, but considering some days I will most likely watch more than on I think it's fair to say I can at least have it complete before season 11 begins in September.I also have a bunch of books in my wish list on, which I hope to order soon and get started on. I miss going to the library more than anything and discovering new titles.  There are also tons of free documentaries online to get my creative juices flowing. I have a lot of ideas brimming in my head about projects that would make great multimedia pieces.So far, I've watched a couple documentaries, finished nearly 2 seasons of Grey's and read a good amount of poetry. Time to get moving! Season 2, Episode 18: Play.


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