
nwtsIn college we have these things called "hell weeks," which are basically a period of 7 days where you have more things due than there are hours in a day to finish them all. Over my past two years I have called them everything from hell week to strength tests, to stress week, to busy week, but now I'm convinced it's just "college."Last week and this week have been one of those times. Between papers, quizzes, lab, extracurriculars, work, and an exam I've been fortunate enough to find the time to eat. Even now I'm writing this in protest of studying (just kidding, it's more of a creative study break).  That being said it's certainly my family, friends, and prayer that get me through such tough times in my life. And music.So, I wanted to take a moment to dedicate this post to a new album dropping today - Drake's Nothing Was The Same. I've been low-key obsessed with it since it leaked last Sunday but for much different reasons than you might think. Sure there are great beats and quotable lines on the album (you know me, I'm struck by great words) but when I encounter excellence in creativity I am easily inspired to keep improving my own work.If I could tell you anything about the new album it's that the production on it is tremendous. Each song is a work of art that was clearly molded over time and infused with emotion, sensitivity, and drama. As an artist, especially lyrically, Drake has improved tenfold. Everything great art should be.Therefore, I hope this week is a productive one for you. Stay positive, motivated, and inspired. Despite the work, at the end of the day I'm just trying to make my life "a completed checklist." Deep down we've all had experiences that changed us, and we all hope to leave an indelible mark during our life - which is the very essence of the album. One of the most emotional things in life is looking back on a memory and knowing since then nothing was the same.


Rise Early, Work Hard = Strike Oil


No News Is Good News