Pokes of Reality


Ahem. When did we get halfway through April? Even better, when did I get halfway through college? Whoever first said "time flies" wasn't joking.There are two more weeks of school, another week and some change of finals, and then the school year will be over. It's crazy to think that in a few weeks I will be writing a post about my new summer goals. Until then, I plan to focus on finishing these last few weeks strong and making some temporary goals to make the end of the year productive, fun, and healthy:

  • Work out every day: run 4 times a week and exercise the other 3 days
  • Go over all my final projects/assignments with my professors before turning them in
  • Only eat cookies every OTHER day (this is much better than the 5 cookies I take home from the dining hall every night. Baby steps)
  • Finish three of my classes by this Friday
  • Pack half of my room by this Saturday
  • Immerse my entire mind into my Sociology 101 final prep
  • Say goodbye to all my senior friends :-(
  • Thank God for every day I'm at this university

Seems like a fitting list of goals to me. Manageable and productive indeed! Happy Monday and good luck with your goals of the week! Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


halfway to kenan


To Who Do I Owe My Life