Last Day

Today is Friday May 4th, and it is my last day in Chapel Hill until the fall. Man am I feeling some emotions. Mostly happy because I am going home and have a break from all of the work. Also sad because I will miss this town and everyone in it. I will miss the college lifestyle. I will miss my friends. This school year came full circle. Last night I found myself in a very similar situation to my first night on the Hill: in an empty north campus dorm room, getting up early for breakfast. Except this time I had an exam, this time I pulled an all-nighter, and this was not my first night on the Hill but my last. For awhile.This place does more than get in your blood: it touches your soul and your heart. It becomes a part of you. The family Carolina provides you with is just as tight as your own blood relatives, and you quickly ask yourself," where were they all this time? and how did I survive without them?" So many lessons learned these first two semester. Next year will be better, productive, more focused. I must say, I am constantly amazed at the life I lead here. Through thick and thin, great days and rides on the struggle bus, I am forever grateful to be at this university.Instead of a quote, I'm gonna leave you with a song.


My Poetic Dilemma


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