Best Time of My Life

I know that UNC-Chapel Hill was the place I was meant to be. I do not care the slightest bit about any other school in this country, any other school on this planet. Someone could hand me a full ride to any Ivy right now, and I would never in a million years take it. This is my home and my heart forever belongs to Chapel Hill, to Carolina.So, this is my love song to this university, and I feel so full of emotion right now because I cannot believe I made it to my dream school, that everything is falling in place the way it is, that I am meeting so many great people and running into people I have talked to all year long. I cannot explain anything about my life except that is the hand of God, watching over me and setting things straight. I do not miss home the way I anticipated, and I am not really nervous the way I thought I would be. I have introduced myself about hundred times in the past week, so I am pretty much a pro now. I have discovered a boldness within myself that I find surprising, liberating, and I like it very much.Sunday August 21st was the best day of my life. I did not want it to end, and I kept it going as long as I possibly could. I want every day here to be as magical and great as this first week has been.




Last Full Week