College, is one month way. Yes, one month. I keep thinking about that and I have absolutely no idea what to think. Sometimes I can't wait, sometimes I want to slow down...mostly I am happy and blessed that I am going to my dream school. I know that this is possibly the last full summer I ever spend at home, or one of them. I want to cherish it all. I want to remember everything. I will grow up a lot in the future. Things will never be the same again. Not that I will change, or we'll all become these unrecognizable beings, it's just that nothing will be like it was before. My life is changing, and everything will be different. I know I am ready, but it's like "when did this happen? How did we get here? What ever happened to those lonely, long moments of childhood when this day seemed so far away? Where does the time go?"So tonight, (it's close to miiiiiiiidnight....) I decided that my motto for this blog (since it is, essentially, a collegiate one) will be the quote I started out with: carpe diem. My life is what I make it, it's all up to how I seize every day, and every moment. It's about how I choose to seek God, follow Him, and let His light shine through me. He has led me to this point in my life, and He will continue to lead me forward, push me, strengthen me, and hold me up. He has plans for me that I do not know about. He's got me going places I have never seen. He loves me, and His plan is the only one I care to follow.


"Music is What Life Sounds Like"

